Monday, December 17, 2012


We've been through it all
Been through big and small
But it's just never enough
We've changed who we are
To cover the scars
But the scabs left behind are rough
I'm tired of faking my love
For someone who doesn't want it
Pretending for years
And we're both so despondent
We no longer laugh
We only seem to cry
It's time to say goodbye

We tried to work it through
You told me to trust in you
That beneath it all we were still in love
But I can't keep clinging to
A feeling that's no longer true
I'm tired and I've just had enough
Enough of the act that hides
Our exhausting situation
I'm tired of the jealousy
And the empty allegations
We no longer laugh
We only seem to cry
It's time to say goodbye

Time to say goodbye
We need to set ourselves free
Time to say goodbye
We just aren't meant to be
Even if you think we should give it one more try
We know it's time to say goodbye

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