Sunday, August 26, 2012


Numb.  Deprived of feeling or responsiveness.  Having deficient psychological or physical sensation.

 Deficient psychological sensation....

At a very young age, I was taught that when something didn't go the way I had planned, I needed to learn from the experience and keep moving forward.  I have held true to this lesson my entire adult life.

Many people (my ex-husband, for one) would say that I am cold.  Incapable of emotion.  These people will tell you that I am a robot.  Moving through the motions of life without accepting the emotional impact certain events have on my life.

Not the case.  True, I do not wear my emotions on my sleeve.  I often keep my feelings hidden behind a barrier.  Not because I do not want to let people in, but because I am realistic and logical.  I do not grieve as most.  In death... in loss... I do not cry for hours, days, weeks.  This is just not my genealogical design.  I often wonder if I have the emotional compass of a man...

Despite the beliefs of most, and despite my declaration of a lacking emotional display... I feel emotion.  Today, I realized that numb is not, as described, a deficiency in psychological sensation.  In fact, numbness is very much a psychological sensation.

I realized this when dealing with, yet another case of, disappointment.  I try to prevent disappointment by not setting my hopes and standards too high.  Sometimes, though, the feeling still hits.

The feeling hit today.  I realized that what I had desired was not what was reality.  The moment I realized that was what most would consider disappointment.  I, too, thought that.  But immediately, I shut down.  My brain overtook my emotions and I rationalized.

Rationalization of emotions is the equivalent of psychological numbness.

In most instances, logic is the best recourse - but when dealing with matters of the heart...  does that leave one incapable of an honest, intimate, loving experience?