Monday, April 16, 2012



Quite the ambiguous word.

To be strong means different things to different people.  To some, strength is merely a physical quality - a simple ability to overpower an object.  To others, strength takes on a control aspect - the ability to overpower a person or situation.

For me, strength is psychological.  It is the ability to keep my head high through times of adversity.  Strength is the ability to power through and remember my true self while having criticism, insults, and negativity thrown in my direction.  Strength is never losing focus.... Never giving up.

There will come a time in everyone's life where he or she will encounter a situation that will beg the question Do I persevere or do I let misery win?

I have seen firsthand the effects of letting misery win.  The result is displaced anger.  Hateful, hurtful words.  Vengeful actions.  By succumbing to misery, a person tries to build him or herself back up by bringing others down.

Misery loves company.

I will not be that person.  I will not spew venom in an attempt to make myself feel better.  I will not throw daggers to wound my opponent's heart as equally as mine has been damaged.  I will not create a sense of woe in an attempt to suck others into my black hole.

True strength is the ability to smile when you want to cry, laugh to hide the pain, and go on... no matter what.  Because no matter how much I am hurting inside - I know that I have purpose.  That purpose lies in the smiles of my children, the advice my friends and family seek, and the beating of my heart.

So to those who want to inflict pain upon others to feel better, I remind you of an old children's adage:
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me
Too often we forget this proverb and believe what others say about us.  But only we know our inner self.  Only we know our beliefs.  Only we know the true meaning behind our actions - or lack-thereof.

I am not without flaw.  I have made many decisions in my life that did not turn out the way I expected.  Some would call these mistakes.  I don't.  With each decision I make, I learn from each of the outcomes.  And with each life lesson, I gain the ability to navigate my future more effectively.

So go ahead...  Keep trying to build yourself up by knocking others (me) down.  True, I may stumble at your words - but I will never fall.  You will never get another one of my tears.

I'm too strong for that.

1 comment:

  1. Words can be the deadliest form of violence...

    Well thought out perspective Val~

    I agree whole heartedly
